Laumont Pays Tribute to Guide Dogs and Truffle Dogs
As part of the “Your Best Company” campaign, Laumont has been collaborating with the Catalan association for the blind and visually impaired, B1B2B3, to raise awareness about the crucial role that dogs play for groups such as the visually impaired or truffle foragers.
Humans and dogs have always enjoyed a very profound, loyal connection. Not only do they keep us company but, for many people, dogs play a vital role both at work and in daily life.
For Laumont in particular, dogs are a vital animal in the truffle and mushroom sectors. With their training and powerful sense of smell, they are used to find those prized truffles buried deep beneath the roots of trees.
As part of this campaign, Laumont has been collaborating with B1B2B3, an organisation offering services to the blind and visually impaired to help improve their quality of life and raise awareness about the issues they face. An important part of their work involves finding guide dogs for their users. This can be expensive and there is often a long waiting list due to the lack of guide dog training resources.
As a result, Laumont has donated €2,000 to help fund guide dog training and has helped to create a piece of audiovisual content aiming to educate people about the issue and pay tribute to guide dogs and the important role they play.
One of the main faces to feature in the campaign is Alba Morancho, 37, who has suffered from a degenerative sight condition since she was 12 years old. She is a member of B1B2B3 and sees her future guide dog, Buddy, as a genuine treasure. “Buddy is my eyes,” she says. “It’s the most important thing that guide dogs give you. They provide you with greater autonomy and ensure that you are safer out in the street”. She also highlights the importance of organisations like IDDT (the International Detector Dogs Team) for guide dog training. “IDDT is doing some really commendable work for guide dog training. They prepare the dogs for their different roles, including as guide dogs. Thanks to an agreement with this organisation, we are able to benefit from the great services they offer.”
Another important face that features in the campaign video is that of Jaime Montaner, a Laumont truffle farmer based in the Spanish province of Huesca. His truffle dog, Charly, helps him throughout the black truffle season, from November to March. With his help, he is able to find the underground truffles that he has worked so hard to produce. “A truffle plantation can take years before it starts to bear fruit. I find it very comforting to be able to go to work with my dog. As well as finding truffles, he also provides me with great company and it’s a pleasure to be with him out in the field”.
The main objective of the “Your Best Company” campaign is to raise awareness about the issues faced by the blind and visually impaired. On the Laumont website, you will find the campaign video, more information about B1B2B3 and interviews with Alba Morancho and Marga Macías, the founder and CEO of IDDT, a company specialising in dog training.